Gerry LallisSenior Partner
Gerry Lallis is a Master Mariner with a total sea service of 12 years out of which 5 years as Captain. In 1980 he was admitted to the University of Wales to attend a postgraduate course in law, including insurance, shipping and transport, leading to a Diploma in Shipping and Transport Law, which he acquired with “Distinction”.
Upon his return to Greece, he worked for a leading Piraeus based ship-owning, management and shipping brokers company and acquired experience in the management and chartering of ships. In 1982, he became founder of LVP (originally LVA) and, ever since, he has handled a very large number of complex, mainly, shipping law cases in their legal, technical and practical aspects, and has been, also, involved in the investigation of a very substantial number of total losses of ships and maritime frauds as well as industrial accidents. Due to his shipping background, he is very experienced in the technical aspects of vessels and their operation.
Dimitrios VoutsinosSenior Partner
Dimitrios Voutsinos graduated from the Law School of Athens in 1977 and was admitted to the Athens Bar in 1979 (and was in 1989 transferred to the Piraeus Bar). He has, also, followed postgraduate studies in England. He is admitted to the Supreme Court of Greece.
While in London, he worked for an English P&I Club, an insurance broking firm at Lloyd’s, specializing in marine insurance (H&M and P&I risks) and with an Average Adjusting company, and acquired a great deal of experience in the various practical aspects of the English insurance market. Upon his return from England, Dimitrios Voutsinos became a founder of LVP (originally LVA) and has been specializing ever since in shipping law and insurance law.
Since 1992, Dimitrios Voutsinos has been particularly active in the area of medical law, defending doctors, private clinics, public hospitals and diagnostic centers against malpractice suits. He has been for many years the legal consultant of Medical Defence Union (MDU), Great Britain, in Greece and of various Greek insurance companies in the field of doctors’ professional liability.
He, also, handles, very widely in the last decade, insurance claims involving Hoteliers’ and Employers’ liability, Product liability, Accountants and Financial Brokers’ liability and D&O liability.
Anna PapakonstantinouPartner
Anna Papakonstantinou graduated from the Law School of Kingston University, London, U.K. in 1998, acquiring a Bachelor Degree in Law with Honours (LLB(Hons)). In 1999, she successfully completed a postgraduate course (Master) in Maritime Law in the University of Southampton, U.K., leading to an LLM Degree, which she acquired with “Merit” in 1999. She is a qualified Greek lawyer member of the Piraeus Bar.
She joined LVP in November 1999 as a trainee working her way to a junior partner in 2004. Anna is now a full partner. Her main areas of practice include all aspects of shipping & transport law (especially admiralty matters, cargo claims, marine insurance, arbitration and shipping litigation), whereas she is, also, increasingly active in several areas of civil/professional liability insurance (insurance brokers, accountants, employers etc).